
How Much Does It Cost To Make Manual Garage Door Automatic?

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Garage doors are a crucial component of our homes, providing convenience and security to our daily lives.

However, manually operating a garage door can be time-consuming and tiresome. An automatic garage door can solve this problem, providing a more efficient and comfortable experience.

But what is the cost of making a manual garage door automatic?

Installing an automatic garage door opener average ranges from $300 to $1,200. Chain-drive openers are the most affordable, costing an average of $150 to $500.

Belt-drive openers are more expensive, costing an average of $200 to $600. Screw-drive openers are the most expensive, costing an average of $300 to $800.

What Factors Affect the Cost of Making a Manual Garage Door Automatic?

The cost of making a manual garage door automatic depends on several factors. The most important ones are:

1. The type of garage door opener you choose

This will depend on your budget and what features you want it to have. For example, each brand has different remote controls and digital keypads.

The more expensive models may also include built-in Wi-Fi connectivity or smartphone control apps that allow you to manage the device from anywhere in the world by connecting your phone with its servers via an internet connection (e.g., 4G).

2. The size and shape of your garage door

it can affect how easy or difficult it would be for someone else or even yourself to install an automatic opener onto it; if there’s not enough room between two adjacent walls, then this could mean having difficulty manoeuvring around during installation time, so keep this in mind before making any purchases.

3. Type/model number purchased

Generally speaking, though, most companies sell similar products under different names.

Rest assured, knowing that whichever suits best will probably perform equally well regardless of whether a branded name versus a generic label shows up somewhere near where consumers shop online today.

How Long Do Garage Door Openers Last?

Garage door openers are durable and last for a long time. The average lifespan of a garage door opener is about 20 years. The average lifespan of a garage door opener is about 15 years.

If you have an older garage door opener, installing a new one yourself is possible. This is a good option if you don’t want to spend money on professional installation services or if your old opener is beyond repair.

How Long Does It Take To Install an Automatic Garage Door Opener?

The time it takes to install an automatic garage door opener depends on the type of opener you choose and whether you’re doing it yourself or having a professional do the work for you. In general, though, a typical installation can be completed in about 30 minutes by a professional and 2 hours if you do it yourself.

Do I Need to Hire a Professional To Install an Automatic Garage Door Opener?

If you are not comfortable with electrical work, mechanical work, or both, then hiring a professional is the best option for installing an automatic garage door opener.

If you are comfortable with electrical and mechanical work (or have someone who is), then it may be worth your time to install it yourself. You can save money by doing so as well.

What Type of Garage Door Opener Should I Choose?

Choosing the right garage door opener is important. You want to make sure you choose a garage door opener that is compatible with your garage door and home’s electrical system, as well as one that fits within your budget.

The best way to do this is by researching the different types of openers available on the market today and reading reviews from previous customers who have purchased them to find out which brands are worth investing in and which aren’t worth buying.

Can I Use My Existing Manual Garage Door With an Automatic Opener?

You can use an automatic garage door opener with a manual garage door. However, you will need to buy a new opener and install it yourself.

In addition, you’ll have to install sensors on each side of your garage door and put in a remote control system to open and close it from inside your car or truck and outside the vehicle.

The average installation time for an automatic garage door opener is about 30 minutes. It’s a job that requires some basic tools and won’t be too difficult if you’re handy with power tools you decide to do it yourself, here are some tips:

Can I Install an Automatic Garage Door Opener Myself?

Yes, you can install an automatic garage door opener yourself. You only need patience and basic knowledge of using tools like hammers, screwdrivers, and wrenches.

The first step in installing your new garage door opener is to remove the old manual model from its tracks by removing the bolts that hold it down with either a socket wrench or nut driver set (depending on what type of bolt heads you have).

Some people may also want to replace their track system if it looks worn out or damaged beyond repair.

Once this is done, measure where you want your new tracks mounted at either end of your garage door opening, you’ll need two tracks for each side, and mark where they should go before drilling holes through them using an electric drill fitted with a carbide tip bit designed specifically for metal surfaces such as steel sheeting found within most residential garages today.

How Do I Maintain My Automatic Garage Door Opener?

Here’s how to maintain your automatic garage door opener so that it operates smoothly and efficiently:

1. Clean the track

The track is part of your garage door that moves up and down when you open or close it. To clean it, the vacuum removes dirt and dust from all sides of the track.

You can also use a damp cloth to wipe down any grease or grime that may have built up over time.

If stubborn stains are on your tracks, try removing them with an oil-based cleaner like WD-40.

2. Replace the opener belt

The automatic garage door opener belt should be replaced when it is cracked, frayed, or the tension is too loose or tight. When you replace your belt, check the tension on it as well.

If you do not replace your broken belt with one that has been properly installed by a professional, there’s a chance that your new garage door opener will malfunction again later on.

3. Tighten or realign the springs

Remove one of the panels to realign the springs and loosen a few bolts. You can do this with a socket wrench or ratchet set. Once you have removed the panel, look at the bottom of your garage door opener to see how far off-centre it is from properly aligned with its tracks.

Then adjust accordingly by loosening some bolts and moving them into place with your hands until they are centered again.

Once everything is tight and aligned correctly, replace all panels onto their tracks and tighten any loose screws or bolts before moving on to step 3.

If you find that your automatic garage door opener has lost tension in its springs over time due to wear-and-tear or repeated use, which causes them to loosen, then now would be an ideal time for a replacement.

4. Clear debris from the garage door opening

Keep the garage door clean and debris-free to prevent pests from entering your home. You’ll need to remove all debris from the track and around it to do this.

To remove debris from a garage door opener track:

  • Remove any large pieces of trash or other objects obstructing the bottom section of your opener’s track (this can be done by hand).
  • Push down on one side of the roller while pulling up on its opposite end with both hands until it comes out of its housing (be careful not to let go too quickly). Then repeat this process for each side until all rollers are removed from their housings.

5. Lubricate the screw shafts

Lubricating the screw shafts is a simple process. Remove the cover to your automatic garage door opener, and then use a silicone spray or oil to coat the entire length of each screw shaft. Be sure not to get any liquid on electrical wires or other parts, as this could cause damage.

Once you’ve applied lubricant to all four sides of each shaft, reinstall the cover over your opener’s motor area and test it by pressing down on one end of each spring-loaded door controller button, usually located near where you entered your garage.

If everything works smoothly without sticking or jamming up, then congratulations. You’ve successfully maintained your automatic garage door opener.

6. Check the door balance rollers for wear and tear

To check the door balance rollers for wear and tear, you’ll need to remove them from your garage door opener. This is a fairly simple process that can be done in just a few steps:

  • Locate the spring brackets on either side of your garage door opener. These have screws holding them in place, so loosen those with an Allen wrench or screwdriver, depending on what kind of bracket you have.
  • Once you’ve removed both springs, set them aside and remove their brackets by unscrewing any remaining bolts or screws.
  • Now return to where you removed your springs and lift one side of each bracket to free it from its respective roller assembly. There should be three whole assemblies per bracket; two with rollers inside and one without any rollers underneath these two sets.
  • Now look closely at each roller set; if there are cracks or signs of wear anywhere along its surface, replace it immediately. This part tends not only to break down over time due to easy use but also because it gets bumped around quite often when opening/closing doors automatically throughout seasons.


Now that you know what to expect, it’s time to decide. You can either hire a professional or do it yourself. Remember, if you decide to do it yourself, some things need special attention, like wiring and safety issues.

We hope this article has helped you make an informed decision about whether or not automatic garage door openers are right for your home.

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Written by Timothy Amin

Timothy is a seasoned expert when it comes to garage doors. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, John has installed, repaired, and maintained countless garage doors of various types and styles.