
Why Does My Garage Door Close Hard? What To Do

Garage Doors Opening and Closing

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For many homeowners, the garage door is a crucial part of their daily routine. It provides a secure and convenient entrance and exit point for their vehicles and belongings and easy access to the house.

However, when the garage door starts to close hard, it can be frustrating and even dangerous. Not only can it cause damage to the door and its components, but it can also pose a safety hazard to anyone standing near it.

Why Does My Garage Door Close Hard? What To Do

Garage doors are one of the most important components of your home. They keep your vehicles safe, protect your belongings from theft, and enhance the curb appeal of your property. However, when they start closing hard, it can be frustrating and concerning. So, why does your garage door close hard? Let’s find out!

1. Misaligned tracks

The tracks on which your garage door slides up and down must be properly aligned to ensure smooth operation. If they’re misaligned, your garage door may experience resistance when closing.

Over time, the tracks may become bent or warped due to wear and tear, causing the door to close hard.

2. Dirty tracks

Another common reason garage doors close hard is dirt and debris on the tracks. When the tracks become dirty, it can cause the rollers to stick, making it difficult for the door to close smoothly. Regular cleaning of the tracks can help prevent this problem.

3. Broken springs

Garage doors have springs that counterbalance the door’s weight, making it easier to open and close. If one or both of the springs are broken, it can cause the door to close hard.

Broken springs are a common problem with garage doors and should be fixed immediately.

4. Worn rollers

Rollers are the small wheels that allow the garage door to slide up and down on the tracks. Over time, the rollers can become worn or damaged, making it harder for the door to close smoothly. Replacing worn rollers can help solve this problem.

5. Tension issues

Garage doors have cables that run from the bottom of the door to the spring system. If there’s too much tension on the cables, it can cause the door to close hard.

Adjusting the tension of the cables can help fix this issue.

6. Sensor problems

Modern garage doors have sensors that prevent them from closing if there’s an obstruction. If the sensors are misaligned or malfunctioning, it can cause the door to close hard. Checking and adjusting the sensors can help solve this problem.

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What should I do if my garage door closes hard?

When your garage door begins to close with excessive force, it can be concerning and potentially dangerous.

A garage door that closes too hard can cause damage to your property or even pose a risk to your family members. Fortunately, you can take a few steps to address this issue and prevent it from occurring.

1. Check for Obstructions

The first step in addressing a garage door that closes hard is to check for obstructions. Anything that gets in the way of the door’s movement can cause it to close with excessive force, damaging the door or causing it to malfunction.

Common obstructions include debris, such as leaves or rocks, or objects that have fallen onto the tracks. Before further troubleshooting, remove any debris or objects that may obstruct the door’s movement.

2. Inspect the Tracks

The tracks are an essential component of your garage door’s operation, providing a smooth path for the door to follow as it opens and closes.

If the tracks become bent or damaged, they can cause the door to close with excessive force or become misaligned, leading to further problems.

Inspect the tracks carefully, looking for any signs of damage or debris obstructing the door’s movement. If you notice any issues with the tracks, contact a professional to have them repaired or replaced.

3. Lubricate the Moving Parts

A lack of lubrication is another common cause of a garage door that closes hard. Over time, the moving parts of your garage door can become dry and stiff, causing the door to close with more force than necessary.

To prevent this, it’s important to lubricate the moving parts of your garage door regularly. A silicone-based lubricant coats the tracks, rollers, hinges, and other moving parts, ensuring the door can move smoothly and quietly.

4. Adjust the Spring Tension

Garage doors rely on springs to provide the necessary force to open and close the door. If the spring tension is too high, it can cause the door to close with excessive force, potentially damaging the door or other components. Conversely, the door may not close fully if the spring tension is too low, leaving your property vulnerable.

Adjusting the spring tension can be dangerous, and it’s important to seek professional assistance to ensure that the tension is properly adjusted and the door is safe to operate.

5. Call a Professional

If you’ve tried the above steps and your garage door is still closing too hard, it’s time to call in a professional. A garage door repair expert can inspect your door, identify the underlying issue, and provide a safe and effective solution.

They can also provide maintenance services to keep your garage door operating smoothly and prevent future problems.

How much does it cost to repair a hard-closing garage door?

Repairing a hard-closing garage door can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, depending on the extent of the damage. It’s important to address the issue promptly to avoid further damage and costly repairs. Regular maintenance and inspection of your garage door can also help prevent hard-closing issues from occurring in the first place.

The cost of repairing a hard-closing garage door varies depending on the extent of the damage and the type of repair needed.

Here are some of the common repairs and their costs:

  • Spring replacement: Garage doors have two types of springs: torsion and extension. Torsion springs are mounted above the door, while extension springs are located on the sides of the door. Replacing a broken spring ranges from $150 to $350.
  • Cable replacement: The cables that hold the garage door in place can wear out over time, causing the door to slam shut. The cost of replacing cables ranges from $150 to $350.
  • Track alignment: If the garage door tracks are misaligned, it can cause the door to close hard. The cost of realigning the tracks ranges from $125 to $250.
  • Roller replacement: The rollers that guide the garage door along the tracks can become worn or damaged, causing the door to close hard. The cost of replacing rollers ranges from $100 to $200.
  • Opener adjustment: If the garage door opener is not adjusted correctly, it can cause the door to close hard. The cost of adjusting the opener ranges from $75 to $150.

Here is a table that summarizes the average cost of repairing a hard-closing garage door:

RepairAverage Cost Range
Spring Replacement$150 – $350
Cable Replacement$150 – $350
Track Alignment$125 – $250
Roller Replacement$100 – $200
Opener Adjustment$75 – $150

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How can I prevent my garage door from closing hard in the future?

A garage door that closes hard can be a nuisance and even dangerous if it happens unexpectedly. If you are experiencing this issue, addressing it as soon as possible is important.

Here are some tips on preventing your garage door from closing hard in the future.

1. Check the springs

One of the most common reasons why garage doors close hard are because of worn-out or broken springs. These springs are responsible for counterbalancing the door’s weight and making it easier to open and close.

If they are damaged, the door will be harder to operate and may even close abruptly. Inspect the springs for any signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, gaps, or deformation. If you notice any issues, call a professional garage door repair company to replace them.

2. Lubricate the moving parts

Garage doors have many moving parts, including hinges, rollers, and tracks. Over time, these parts can become rusty or dirty, which can cause friction and make the door harder to move.

To prevent this, regularly lubricate the moving parts with a silicone-based lubricant. This will help reduce friction and make the door operate more smoothly.

3. Adjust the limit switches

Limit switches are safety devices that prevent the garage door from closing too hard or too far. If these switches are not properly adjusted, the door may hit the ground with too much force.

To adjust the switches, locate them on the side of the motor unit and use a screwdriver to turn them until the door stops closing before hitting the ground. You may need to experiment with the settings to find the right balance.

4. Install a safety feature

If you’re concerned about the safety of your garage door, consider installing a safety feature such as a photo-eye or a safety edge. A photo-eye uses an infrared beam to detect if there is an object in the path of the door, while a safety edge is a strip that senses pressure and stops the door if it encounters an obstruction.

These features can prevent the door from closing too hard or hitting an object, which can cause damage or injury.

5. Schedule regular maintenance

Finally, the best way to prevent your garage door from closing hard in the future is to schedule regular maintenance with a professional garage door repair company.

A technician can inspect your door, lubricate the moving parts, check the springs and limit switches, and make necessary adjustments or repairs.

Regular maintenance can also extend the lifespan of your garage door and prevent costly repairs down the line.

Can weather affect how hard my garage door closes?

If you have ever experienced difficulty closing your garage door during certain weather conditions, you might wonder if the weather is responsible for the problem. The answer is yes; weather can affect how hard your garage door closes.

1. Temperature

Temperature changes can significantly impact the functioning of your garage door. During hot weather, the metal components of your garage door, such as the springs and rollers, can expand and become more pliable. This can cause the door to become misaligned and make it harder to close or open.

On the other hand, during cold weather, the metal components can contract and become stiff, which can also affect the operation of your garage door.

2. Humidity

Humidity can also play a role in how your garage door operates. High humidity levels can cause the wooden components of your garage door to expand and contract, leading to warping and misalignment. This can make it harder to close the door and even cause it to get stuck.

3. Wind

Strong winds can also affect how hard your garage door closes. Wind can pressure the garage door, making it difficult to close or open. It can also cause the door to sway and put additional stress on the springs and rollers.

4. Rain and Snow

Rain and snow can also have an impact on your garage door. Wet conditions can cause the metal components of your garage door to rust, leading to misalignment and making it harder to close the door.

Additionally, if rainwater or snow gets into your garage door tracks, it can freeze and cause the door to become stuck.

To prevent weather-related issues with your garage door, it’s essential to take steps to protect it from the elements. Here are some tips:

  • Lubricate the moving parts of your garage door regularly to ensure that they operate smoothly, even during temperature changes.
  • Install weatherstripping around the edges of your garage door to prevent drafts and moisture from getting inside.
  • Keep your garage door tracks clean and debris-free so the door can operate smoothly.
  • Install a garage door opener with a battery backup, so you can still open and close the door during power outages.
  • If you live in an area that experiences high winds, consider installing a reinforced garage door that can withstand strong gusts.

How often should I lubricate my garage door to prevent it from closing hard?

It is recommended to lubricate your garage door at least twice a year or more frequently if you notice signs of wear, noise, or hard closing. Always use a high-quality silicone-based lubricant and clean the parts before applying the lubricant.

The frequency of lubrication depends on several factors, including the climate, usage, and type of lubricant. Here are some general guidelines:

1. Check the Manufacturer’s Recommendations

Your garage door manufacturer may have specific recommendations on how often to lubricate your door based on the door type and its components. You can check the owner’s manual or contact the manufacturer for the recommended lubrication schedule.

2. Check for Signs of Wear or Noise

If you notice any signs of wear, noise, or hard closing, it may be time to lubricate your garage door. Check the tracks, rollers, hinges, and springs for any visible damage, rust, or debris. Clean the parts with a soft cloth and apply lubricant as needed.

3. Climate and Usage

Climate and usage can also affect the frequency of lubrication. If you live in a dry or dusty climate, you may need to lubricate your door more frequently to prevent dirt and debris from building up on the parts.

Similarly, if you use your garage door frequently, you may need to lubricate it more often than someone who uses it occasionally.

4. Type of Lubricant

The type of lubricant you use can also affect how often you need to lubricate your garage door. Some lubricants last longer than others, providing better protection against rust and wear.

Silicone-based lubricants are generally recommended for garage doors as they are long-lasting, non-staining, and do not attract dust or debris.

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Written by Timothy Amin

Timothy is a seasoned expert when it comes to garage doors. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, John has installed, repaired, and maintained countless garage doors of various types and styles.