
Do Garage Door Openers Come with Rails?

Do Garage Door Openers Come with Rails? How Can I Know If My Garage Door Rails Are Damaged? How to Change the Rails of my Garage Door Opener

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There are different types of garage door openers, and each of these openers comes with compatible accessories that enable it to function optimally. Depending on the type of garage door opener you buy, you should get different accessories such as garage door brackets, motion sensors, keypads for keyless entry, garage door opener remotes, and a lot more. 

When it comes to garage door openers, many people wonder if accessories like rails come with them. They also wonder if changing a garage door opener is possible without changing the rails. Let’s get right to the answers below.

All garage door openers come with rails that allow the garage door to open and close with ease. More often than not, more rails are designed to work with a specific brand of garage door opener. When you purchase a new automatic garage door opener, you must take your time installing the rails that come with it.

You must know that garage door rails vary in size and dimension, depending on the garage door opener you buy. You should pay attention to the rails as they can affect the smooth opening or closing of your garage door.

How Can I Know If My Garage Door Rails Are Damaged?

Bad garage door rails can make opening your garage door very difficult. You may find it impossible to open your garage door with your remote control. Here are some pointers you need to let you know if and when your garage door rails are damaged.

1. A Shaking Garage Door/Garage Door Opener

This is the first thing that lets you know that your garage door rails are not working properly. Once you realize that your garage door is shaking whenever you press the open button on your remote, it means there is a problem with the rails of your garage door. 

The garage door might shake if there is a misalignment in the rails. This problem implies that the rails of your garage door are not properly connected.

In addition to a shaking garage door, you might also have a faulty or broken rail if your garage door opener is shaking while you open the door. Since the smooth or proper functioning of your garage door opener depends on the rails being aligned, your garage door opener will vibrate while in motion if there is any problem with the rails.

2. A Loud or Unusual Sound when you Open the Garage Door

The moment your garage door begins to make unusual noises whenever you open it, you must know that there is a problem with the garage door. More often than not, your garage door will make noise if there is a problem with the rails or tracks.

Different rail or track problems can cause your garage door to make noise whenever you try to use it. If there is any dirt in the rail, your garage door will make a noise when you open it. Also, if there is a lack of lubrication, you will hear noises from the door and rails when you open the garage door. 

3. Your Garage Door Becomes Uneven

Problems with your garage door rails can lead to your garage door being unevenly matched. This is because there is a problem with either one or two sides of your garage door.

An uneven garage door can be caused by the rails being misaligned. It can also result from a blockage in the garage door rails. If the rails are beyond repair, you need new rails to reduce the chances of your garage door opener getting damaged by the rails.

4. The Rail or Track Hardware Is Detached

The tracks or rail hardware must be firmly connected to the structural lumber of your wall or ceiling. If there is any problem such as a slight disconnection or detachment, it will affect the ability of your garage door to open smoothly. More often than not, you will not be able to open your garage door using the remote. 

Another sign of a problem with the rail is detached rail hardware. When the rails are stable, the hardware should be firmly attached and not disconnected. You might need to change the rail once you notice that it gets out of line or misaligned every time you try to open and close your garage door.

5. The Garage Door Jams or Rollers Get Derailed

If your garage door jams whenever you try to open your garage door, it means there is likely a problem with the rails. This results in the garage door getting jammed midway when you try to operate it. For automatic doors, the garage door may close back if it reaches the point when it is opened.

In addition to getting jammed midway, you should know that your rails are not in working condition if the rollers keep getting displaced every time you open your garage door. If the rollers are getting out of the tails, you should consider changing the rails as they might be damaged or faulty.

How to Change the Rails of my Garage Door Opener

Like other parts of a garage door, you can purchase the rails of a garage door without having to purchase the entire garage floor system. You should know that you can replace garage door rails without calling a professional company. Here is a guide on how to change the rails of your garage door.

1. Observe all Safety Measures and Get all the necessary Tools You Need

This is the very first thing you should do if you want to change the rails on your garage door. Take your time to observe every possible safety measure. This includes ensuring there are no kids around, and objects that can make you slip are not anywhere near the pathway and rails.

Once you have done all of this, you can go ahead and get all the necessary tools you need to change the garage railings. You will need tools like tape, a screwdriver, and a lot more. All these tools must be in place before you can change the rails.

2. Remove the Hinge Pins, Rollers, and Springs

Once you have the necessary tools, the next thing you must do is unscrew the hinge pins and rollers attached to the garage door rails. Doing so is crucial, as it allows you to easily remove the door. To remove the hinge pins, simply slide them out of the rollers.

Go ahead and remove the pin bracket and the rollers once you are done removing the hinge pins. Ensure you keep them in a safe place as you will need them when installing the new garage door rails.

After removing the rollers, you should take your time pulling the springs from the garage floor. Taking out the springs is pretty critical since it allows you to manually dismantle the garage door. Ensure the garage door is closed and unplugged when removing the springs.

3. Remove the Door, Mark the Track/Rail location, and Remove the tracks

Since you have successfully removed the rollers and springs, you will have to push the garage door out of the way. You should get an extra hand to help you with pudding or moving the garage door.

Once you remove the garage door, proceed ahead and trace the location of the garage door rails. Doing this is extremely important since it allows you to know where to attach the newly acquired rails. Remove the old rails once you are done marking out the location.

4. Install the Brand-new Track or Rail and Position the Door

Before installing the rail, ensure it is compatible with your garage door opener. The only way to ensure it is compatible is to buy a rail that works for the model and brand of garage door opener you use. 

Compatibility is crucial, as using the wrong rails can affect your garage door opener’s performance. The wrong rails will end up doing more harm than good to your device.

Once you get the matching rails, go ahead and affix them to the structure or markings on the wall or ceiling. Ensure it is set up just like the previous rails. Use a screwdriver (if needed) to firmly attach and screw the rails to the wall or ceiling. 

You must wait for a couple of minutes before putting the garage door back on the rails. This allows you to check the rails to ensure they are firmly attached. Watch out for any signs of misalignment before you put the garage door on the tracks.

5. Reinstall the Hinge Pins and Rollers

This is the last thing you must do when it comes to changing the rails of your garage door opener. Once you have successfully installed the garage door on the rails, install the rollers and the hinge bracket. 

Install the hinge pins on the rollers. Ensure they are firmly installed to avoid the problem of a loose connection. Test the garage door once you are done with the installation process. Your garage door should open and close smoothly without noise, shaking, or misalignment.

How Much Does It Cost to Change the Rails of a Garage Door Opener?

Changing the rails of a garage door opener is not as expensive as replacing the entire component of the garage door. Changing the rails of the garage door will cost around $150 to $200, depending on the type of garage door opener you use.

However, the installation cost of rails varies depending on the company you call. You can change the rails yourself if you are looking to save money. Simply follow the manufacturer’s manual to change the rails.

Can I Change a Garage Door Opener without Changing the Rails?

Yes, you can change the garage door opener for your garage without having to change the rails. Doing this is pretty simple. All you need to do is buy the exact type of model of garage door opener you currently use. 

As long as you buy the exact model from the same manufacturer or brand, you will not need to change the rails of your garage door opener.

How Long Do Garage Door Rails Last?

Your garage door rails should last for at least 7 years. The average lifespan of garage door rails is 7 to 10 years, however, it can last much longer depending on the usage and level of maintenance.

If you apply good maintenance measures, your garage door rails should last for as long as 15 years.


Almost all garage door openers come with rails, however, you do not need to change the current rails you use when changing your garage door opener. That is, as long as you get the same brand and model of garage door openers as the one you currently use.

There are different signs to tell you when you have bad garage door rails. We have discussed all of these things and more in this article. We have also talked about how to change the rials of your garage door opener and more. Simply read through to get all the information you need.

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Written by Timothy Amin

Timothy is a seasoned expert when it comes to garage doors. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, John has installed, repaired, and maintained countless garage doors of various types and styles.